Learn more about recent enforcement actions that demonstrate why proactive compliance is a business must. —Recent Enforcements

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Showing 1-16 of 168
Marcus Schneider
Marcus Schneider
ESPR Has Arrived: Here’s What You Need To Know

In March 2020, the European Union (EU) adopted the Circular Economy Action …

5 min read
ESG, ESPR, Supply Chain Sustainability
Cally Edgren
Cally Edgren
Bridging ESG & PFAS: An Interview With Leading Sustainability Experts

Explore the crucial intersection of ESG and PFAS with insights from experts …

5 min read
ESG, PFAS, PFAS Compliance, Supply Chain Sustainability
Dr. Abiola Okpechi
Dr. Abiola Okpechi
Why the UFLPA Expansion Should Raise Red Flags for Automotive Manufacturers

New updates to the UFLPA Entity List signal that the automotive manufacturi …

5 min read
ESG, Forced Labor, Human Rights, Human Trafficking & Slavery, Supply Chain Sustainability
Assent headquarters in Ottawa, On.
Katie Allen
Katie Allen
The Path Forward: Embracing Our Journey Beyond B Corp Certification

Explore how we embrace B Corp Month, advancing sustainable, responsible bus …

5 min read
B Corp Certification, Company News, ESG, Supply Chain
An example of deforestation, which could be tracked under supply chain sustainability management.
Jamie Wallisch
Jamie Wallisch
CS3D: 3 Essential Steps for Compliance

CS3D introduces broad supply chain sustainability due diligence requirement …

6 min read
ESG, Supply Chain
Dr. Abiola Okpechi
Dr. Abiola Okpechi
Time Is Running Out for Canadian Anti-Forced Labor Law Data Collection

The deadline for Canadian anti-forced labor law reporting is just months aw …

6 min read
ESG, Supply Chain
Workers in safety gear inspect wind turbines.
Devin O’Herron
Devin O’Herron
Understanding ESG & Sustainability: The Big Picture

Explore the intersection of sustainability and ESG in business operations. …

5 min read
ESG, Supply Chain Sustainability, sustainability
Employees collaborate to better understand their CSRD requirements and how to meet them.
Jamie Wallisch
Jamie Wallisch
New EU Sustainability Rules: Streamline Compliance With the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive

Learn about the EU’s impactful Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive …

4 min read
Corporate social reposibility, CSRD, ESG, supply chain data, Supply Chain Sustainability, Supply Chain Sustainability Management
Two professionals use Assent to manage supply chain sustainability.
Lori Zoellner
Lori Zoellner
Benchmarking Assent: A Comparative Look at Supply Chain Sustainability Management Solutions

Explore how Assent’s supply chain sustainability management solution compar …

5 min read
Assent, ESG, Product Compliance, Supply Chain Sustainability, Trade Compliance
Cally Edgren
Cally Edgren
Simplify Complex Risks: Introducing the Supply Chain Risk Assessment Tool

Address growing demands for sustainable products with a strategic supply ch …

6 min read
Conflict Minerals, ESG, Product Compliance, REACH, RoHS, Supply Chain Sustainability, UFLPA
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that would require data under the new EU carbon tax CBAM.
Noah Taetle
Noah Taetle
EU Carbon Tax Ramp-Up Highlights Need for Supply Chain Sustainability Management

Explore the challenges of capturing scope 3 emissions data from suppliers i …

7 min read
ESG, Greenwashing, Supply Chain Sustainability
A forest protected by the EU Deforestation Regulation as part of responsible sourcing
Noah Taetle
Noah Taetle
Rooted in Responsible Sourcing: Understanding the EU Deforestation Regulation

The EU Deforestation Regulation introduces new responsible sourcing data re …

6 min read
ESG, Human Rights, Responsible Minerals, Supply Chain Sustainability
Textile factory which could be a risk source for forced labor.
Dr. Abiola Okpechi
Dr. Abiola Okpechi
North American Restrictions on Forced Labor Grow With Canadian Bill S-211

Canada’s Bill S-211 adds more momentum to the growing list of supply chai …

6 min read
ESG, Human Trafficking & Slavery, Supply Chain Sustainability
Lori Zoellner
Lori Zoellner
Join the Evolution: Assent Evolve Is Coming In June 2023

Are you ready to dive into your supply chain to build deep sustainability?

2 min read
Corporate, ESG, Product Compliance, Supply Chain Sustainability
Magnus Piotrowski
Magnus Piotrowski
5 Habits of Corporate Compliance Pros Who Get the Job Done

In a dynamic environment, corporate compliance professionals excel by adopt …

6 min read
Assent Evolve, ESG, Product Compliance, Supply Chain Sustainability
Assent Evolve 2023 to feature Erin Brockovich, Chris Gardner and leading sustainability champions in upcoming global conference.

This year’s event will provide a roadmap for manufacturers to gain a compet …

4 min read
Assent, Corporate, ESG, Supply Chain