Probably not the blog you expected to see from us, right? We get it. With compliance penalties, looming deadlines, scrutiny from every angle, and seemingly non-stop turbulence from the outside world, you’re looking for a solution to your supply chain sustainability management challenges. As a provider of that exact solution, you don’t expect an article on all the reasons not to partner with us.

But here it is.  

#5: Your Internal Solution Totally Has It Covered

Oh, Mark, the FTE tasked with managing your broken internal solution. He’s a team player, always willing to take on a new challenge that he didn’t ask for — like your internal compliance program. He’s doing the best he can with siloed data, reaching out to multiple business units and getting no response. He’s organized, tracks everything in a detailed manual spreadsheet, and hasn’t taken a lunch break in five years.   

Is he a trained compliance professional? Not exactly. Does he already have a full-time role? Yup. But hey, it’ll help him grow, and if you’ve got Mark, do you really need a supply chain sustainability management solution? 

On behalf of Marks everywhere — yes. Yes, you do. 

Mark is great at the job you initially hired him to do, and he needs time and resources back in his day to focus on it. Our solution adapts to the fast-paced nature of global regulations. It automates data collection, protects your market access, and helps grow your revenue. Plus, it identifies and mitigates risks in your supply chain that poor Mark could never see.  

Assent has all the tools you need: an advanced, intuitive platform and a team of leading regulatory experts that are on our payroll, not yours.

It’s time. Mark deserves a lunch break.

#4: Nothing Happening in the World Impacts Your Business

Global instability? Never heard of it. The world doesn’t impact your business, so you don’t need anybody tracking political changes, product shortages, or anything else that may occur outside of your four walls.

Let’s pause here so we can enjoy this wonderful fantasy world a moment longer…

Alright, look — every business is subject to the world at large. Wars and pandemics break down supply chains; political instability creates sanctions. The reality is that navigating these shifting dynamics is a full-time job.

With Assent, you’ll always be up to date on the latest global developments. But extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, so let’s see what Einar Peters, Former Environmental Health & Safety Manager at Terumo Medical Corporation, has to say about his experience tackling challenges with Assent:

“If you asked me what I think of Assent, it’s been a great experience for us. It’s definitely reduced our compliance risk. I would recommend it… We’re getting out ahead of our risk rather than being caught behind the eight ball.”

#3: You’ve Got 99 Problems, but Cost Savings Ain’t One

Nobody said tracking global product compliance and ESG regulations would be easy. They also didn’t say it would be this expensive. If you didn’t have to pay this consultant for regulatory help, you could afford to stock the office pantry with fancy granola bars — and the good coffee would flow like wine.

Here’s the hard truth: Most companies are spending much more money than they need to on external help. Consultants may bring helpful information, but that exorbitant cost is not sustainable. You need a non-intrusive, cost-effective solution.

At Assent, we’ve built our reputation on providing those exact benefits. We’re on the journey with you — with our tools and expertise and your vision, you can realize cost savings and easily pivot as new regulations emerge globally. 

Don’t take our word for it — Assent commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct a Total Economic Impact™ study to understand our potential ROI, and manufacturers that invested in our platform experienced up to 304% ROI.

Ryerson Transforms Compliance With Assent: A Success Story

Ryerson, a leading supplier of high-quality metal products, decided to up their game by partnering with Assent. The result? A compliance makeover that not only meets global regulations but also sets a new standard for supply chain sustainability. Want to know how they pulled it off? Get the full scoop in our case study. Download now!

#2 You Never Get Scrutinized by Stakeholders

I am business — hear me roar! Pretty cool motto, right? You don’t have to worry about being scrutinized by anyone because stakeholders are fine not having oversight. NGOs don’t need metrics or hard data, a pinky swear is good enough for due diligence, right? 

Yeah, okay, maybe not so much. Investors want to know exactly where you are in your sustainability journey. Customers want the latest on your ESG practices at the click of a button. Governments need proof you’re doing your due diligence.

These are serious obligations made more complicated by the fact that supply chains weren’t built with sustainability in mind.

That’s where we come in.

Assent will help you deep-map your supply chains, so you can see deeper and uncover hidden risks. Plus, our regulatory experts will walk you through compliance developments so you’re always one step ahead of your requirements.

We’re a one-stop-shop for all your supply chain sustainability needs. Just ask Justin Zirbes from Klein Tools: “Assent has the platform, in-house expertise, and personal customer service to help us navigate through compliance requirements. As the company — and the regulations — expand, it is a challenge to stay on top of everything internally. We were confident that Assent would be an important tool for us to ensure market access and enable sustainable, responsible growth.”

#1: You & Your Suppliers Are Best Friends

Every manufacturer relies on their suppliers for quality data. That’s not a concern for you, though. Your suppliers are just one text away. You share a Netflix account and gush about the latest Taylor Swift album. Why worry about the data you’re getting from your suppliers when you’re besties? 

Sound a little too good to be true? Well, sadly, that’s because it is. Even manufacturers with strong supplier relationships need an extra hand when it comes to acquiring accurate data. 

Plus, with over half of businesses saying they depend on their partners and suppliers to achieve supply chain sustainability goals — including 59% who are expecting their dependency to increase over the next year — report that handling this relationship alone can be difficult. And, as you can imagine, inaccurate information can open you up to non-compliance risks.

Assent can help:

  • Increase your supplier response rates
  • Upskill your suppliers
  • Centralize your requests
  • Provide education in suppliers’ local language

Simplify & Thrive

Jokes aside, manufacturers face a number of challenges in the modern regulatory environment. As ESG regulations continue to emerge, PFAS becomes a central focus across the EU and U.S., and laws like the UFLPA present serious risks, you need all the tools and expertise you can get.

With Assent, you can confidently pursue your sustainability journey knowing you have access to the regulatory expertise required to address new compliance challenges head-on, and a platform solution that gives you centralized access to the data you need to make informed decisions about your products. 

If you’d like to learn more, Contact us

Lori Zoellner
Senior Director, Brand Strategy & Communications

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