Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues have quickly become an important focus both for companies and team members. They are issues that top talent bring up in interviews, proving they are both highly attuned to these issues and looking for companies that reflect their values. Therefore, it is important for companies not just to talk about purpose, but also to align with these values.

Here at Assent, ESG issues are at the core of what we do. Top talent seeks us out due to our focus in this regard. Most importantly, ESG issues require dynamic understanding and a deep focus. That is why Assent addresses them in an impactful, transparent, and active way.

At The Core Of What We Do

As mentioned before, ESG encompasses environmental, social, and governance issues. For example, environmental issues can encompass everything from carbon emissions to energy consumption. Social issues are often centered around diversity and fairness in the workplace, and governance issues consider the way a business governs itself. These three facets encompass a company’s overall impact in the world – both externally and internally. That’s why it’s vital to both understand and address these issues in a transparent and overt way.

At Assent, we don’t just discuss ESG issues, we lay the foundation for actionable progress. As part of our mission to help complex manufacturers bring responsible goods to the world, Assent supports the supply chain sustainability management of our customers with solutions for product compliance and ESG. By providing deep visibility into their products and supply chains, Assent helps them see the ESG footprint of their operations.

Environmental Sustainability

In the environmental space, Assent has laid out substantive sustainability goals and progress. For example, as a member of the United Nations Global Compact, (UNGC) Assent has committed to transparent reporting on our sustainability performance. Specifically, as part of our 2021 Sustainability Report, we highlighted key sustainability accomplishments, including:

  • Renovating our Canadian office, making distinct energy-efficient improvements
  • Efforts to protect team members during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Our community involvement and corporate giving


Of course, ESG issues go beyond environmental sustainability. Assent has also focused on creating a fair and equitable working environment for team members. That is why, in 2021, Assent began a diversity and inclusion survey, which was sent to all team members. Included in this survey’s findings were that women comprise 46 percent of all leaders at Assent. Representation of racial and ethnic minorities is also strong – 45.1 percent of the company.

Even with this strong representation, Assent recognizes that there is still work to be done. That is why Assent uses data to find inclusion gaps. Assent is addressing these gaps through specific DEI programs and initiatives. These include enhancing diversity in recruitment through the Young SDG Innovators Program and participating in the UNGC’s Target Gender Equality (TGE) program.


Assent’s focus, particularly in terms of internal governance, is to foster an environment that is inclusive, safe, and equitable. Our emphasis on addressing ESG issues reflects that effort. For example, one of Assent’s 2022 goals is to align both roles and responsibilities with our new corporate sustainability strategy. Additional strategies, such as incorporating Assent’s Board of Directors as a stakeholder in our materiality assessment survey, will ensure their perspectives are taken into account in our priorities.

Walking the Walk

At Assent, what team members do, and how that work affects the world, is top of mind. In that way, ESG is at the core of what Assent does. That makes it even more important to show people – our team members, our clients, and the global community – action and specifics. Transparency within an ESG framework is essential; without it, it is impossible to foster trust.

In short, it’s the small details that cultivate trust and belief, both with team members and the global community. That is true when addressing ESG issues, and it is a core principle of our business.


Keira Torkko
Chief of Staff & Chief People Officer

Keira’s commitment to promoting a dynamic team spirit and culture of high performance helps ensure Assent Compliance attracts and retains champions.

She has led teams in a variety of sectors  Read More

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