Recent rapidfire changes to PFAS requirements mean that identifying these substances in your supply chain should be your top priority — otherwise, you may be at risk for a full-blown, red alert meltdown. PFAS has been added as a hazardous chemical under Superfund, there are new federal restrictions on PFAS in drinking water, and a new proposed bill, if passed, will introduce a total restriction on all non-essential PFAS use in addition to annual PFAS reporting requirements.

But don’t panic yet. This live demo webinar covers how Assent’s leading supply chain sustainability solution collects and centralizes critical PFAS information from your supply chain, delivering the high-quality data you need exactly when you need it. We’ll also cover the essentials of a strong program and the benefits of a comprehensive third-party solution like Assent.

With Assent, you’ll redefine your approach to PFAS management and compliance by streamlining data collection to reduce supplier fatigue. Our platform doesn’t just maximize efficiency today — it scales seamlessly with your evolving requirements to protect future growth.

What you’ll learn:

  • Get ahead of your complex PFAS risks: Learn how identifying PFAS in your supply chain helps mitigate risks like legal liability and part obsolescence.
  • A Better Way to Manage Compliance Risks: We’ll help you take a proactive approach to regulatory challenges and protect your business against disruptions.
  • Streamlined Onboarding, Simplified Success: Discover the simplicity of integrating Assent’s platform into your program. Our experts handle the hard part so you can focus on what matters most to your business.


  • Neil Smith, Regulatory & Sustainability Expert, Product Sustainability
  • Maria Poole, Sales Engineer
  • Christine Lovett, Senior Customer Success Manager

Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your compliance strategies with Assent’s expert solutions.