The European Union

(EU) Non-Financial Reporting (NFR) Directive requires public-interest companies in EU Member states with more than 500 employees to disclose certain types of non-financial and diversity information in their yearly management reports. The Directive came into effect in December 2014 as part of an overall strategy to encourage corporate social responsibility in the EU. Its primary purpose is to encourage transparency and accountability by requiring companies to produce corporate responsibility disclosures at regular intervals, and outline their specific policies on them.

For complete information on the EU Non-Financial Reporting Directive, visit the European Commission website.

Non-Financial Statement Disclosure Categories Include:

  • Environmental
  • Social and employee matters
  • Anti-bribery anti-corruption
  • Diversity
  • Human rights

What Should These Disclosures Include?

Companies can strive to include an explanation of the risks associated with the issues mentioned above, as well as what their respective policies on them. Companies may use a variety of benchmarks to help them in generating their disclosures such as national, international or European guidelines.

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