60 results for

Codice di condotta dei fornitori

Align suppliers with your values using our code of conduct solution.

Sistema di assicurazione degli standard di lavoro

We create the cross-supply chain collaboration needed for LSAS due diligence reporting.

Tratta di esseri umani e schiavitù

Locate and eliminate hidden human trafficking and slavery risks from your supply chain.

Anticorruzione, Anticorruzione

Grow better with Assent’s anti-bribery, anti-corruption solution.

Minerali estesi (Cobalto + Mica)

Our complete responsible minerals solution, including cobalt and mica reporting.

Minerali di conflitto

See how our Responsible Minerals — Conflict Minerals solution gives deep transparency into mineral sourcing.

Metalli speciali DFARS

Our solution will give you transparency needed to meet your DFARS requirements.

Regolamento UE sui dispositivi medici

See the EU MDR solution and how it helps you uncover hidden compliance risks.


Our AD-DSL solution provides the missing foundation you need for compliance.

Informativa completa sul materiale

A full material declaration is a comprehensive list of substances within a particular product or material. Learn how Assent’s SaaS solution for FMD data collection can help you.